
Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (1)
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scl - Setup and run software from Software Collection environment  


scl <action> [<collection1> <collection2> ...] <command>

scl {-l|--list}  


This manual page documents scl, a program which is an utility for running software packaged as a Software Collection.

scl utility allows to execute an application which is not located in the filesystem root hierarchy but is present in an alternative location. This application can still use and benefit from software installed in the root filesystem. In order to let an application be visible to the system one has to use scl utility as an interface.

<action> is a script name to execute in a bash environment before the application itself takes in executed. Currently only enable scriptlet is mandatory which is needed to update search paths, etc.

One can enable more Software Collections if needed and therefore one can use multiple collections which are enabled by the left-right order as present on scl command-line.

<command> is an arbitrary command or set of commands to execute within the Software Collection environment enabled. Control is returned back to the caller with the original environment as soon as the command finishes. It <command> is '-' (dash) then it is read from the standard input.  


-l, --list
Lists all installed Software Collections on the system


scl enable example 'less --version'
runs command 'less --version' in the environment with collection 'example' enabled
scl enable foo bar bash
runs bash instance with foo and bar Software Collections enabled
cat my_command | scl enable baz -
run set of commands listed in my_command file in the environment with baz Software Collection enabled


scl was written by Jindrich Novy <>.




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Time: 05:29:10 GMT, December 24, 2015