
Section: Intel(R) Enclosure LED Control Application (8)
Updated: February 2012
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ledctl - Intel(R) LED control application for a storage enclosures.  


ledctl [OPTIONS] pattern_name=list_of_devices ...  


The ledctl is user space application design to control LEDs associated with each slot in an enclosure or a drive bay. There are two types of system: 2-LEDs system (Activity LED, Status LED) and 3-LEDs system (Activity LED, Locate LED, Fail LED). User must have root privileges to use this application.

The ledctl application uses SGPIO and SES-2 protocol to control LEDs. The program implements IBPI patterns of SFF-8489 specification for SGPIO. Please note some enclosures do not stick close to SFF-8489 specification. It might happen that enclosure processor will accept an IBPI pattern but it will blink the LEDs not according to SFF-8489 specification or it has limited number of patterns supported.

LED management (AHCI) and SAF-TE protocols are not supported.

The ledctl application has been verified to work with Intel(R) storage controllers (i.e. Intel(R) AHCI controller). The application might work with storage controllers of other vendors (especially SCSI/SAS controllers). However storage controllers of other vendors have not been tested.

The ledmon application has the highest priority when accessing LEDs then other programs. It means some patterns set by ledctl may have no effect (except Locate pattern).

The ledctl application is part of Intel(R) Enclosure LED Utilities.  

Pattern Names

The ledctl application accepts the following names for pattern_name argument according to SFF-8489 specification.
Turns Locate LED associated with the given device(s) or empty slot(s) on.
Only turns Locate LED off.
Turns Status LED, Failure LED and Locate LED off.
Only turns Status LED and Failure LED off.
ica or degraded
Visualizes ``In a Critical Array'' pattern.
rebuild or rebuild_p
Visualizes ``Rebuild'' pattern.
ifa or failed_array
Visualizes ``In a Failed Array'' pattern.
Visualizes ``Hotspare'' pattern.
Visualizes ``Predicted Failure Analysis'' pattern.
failure or disk_failed
Visualizes ``Failure'' pattern.

List of Devices

The application accepts a list of devices in two formats. The first format is a list with comma separated elements. The second format is a list in curly braces and elements are separated by space. See examples section bellow for details.

A device is a path to file in /dev directory or in /sys/block directory. It may identify a block device, a RAID device or a container device. In case of RAID device or container device a state will be set for all block devices associated, respectively.  


-c or --config=path
Sets a path to local configuration file. If this option is specified the global configuration file and user configuration file has no effect.
-l or --log=path
Sets a path to local log file. If this option is specified the global log file /var/log/ledctl.log is not used.
Turns off all messages send to "stdout" or "stderr" out. The messages will be still logged to local file and syslog facility.
-h or --help
Prints this text out and exits.
-v or --version
Displays version of ledctl and information about the license and exits.


Global log file, used by all instances of ledctl application. To force logging to user defined file use -l option switch.
User configuration file, shared between ledmon and all ledctl application instances.
Global configuration file, shared between ledmon and all ledctl application instances.


The following example illustrates how to locate a single block device.

    ledctl locate=/dev/sda

The following example illustrates how to off Locate LED for the same block device.

    ledctl locate_off=/dev/sda

The following example illustrates how to locate disks of a RAID device and how to set rebuild pattern for two block devices at the same time. This example uses both formats of device list.

     ledctl locate=/dev/md127 rebuild={ /sys/block/sd[a-b] }

The following example illustrates how to off Status LED and Failure LED for the given device(s).

     ledctl off={ /dev/sda /dev/sdb }

The following example illustrates how to locate a three block devices. This example uses first format of device list.

     ledctl locate=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb,/dev/sdc



Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation.

This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. See the built-in help for details on the License and the lack of warranty.  


ledmon(8), ledctl.conf(5)  


This manual page was written by Artur Wojcik <artur.wojcik@intel.com>. It may be used by others.



Pattern Names
List of Devices

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Time: 05:34:27 GMT, December 24, 2015